Voluntary Liquidation of a Limited Liability Company
By Suneesh | February 15 , 2020 | 01
Voluntary liquidation can happen when shareholders decide to end business activity, a resolution must be passed to begin the process and a liquidator has to be appointed.
Steps and procedures for cancelling Limited Liability Company in UAE. will be according to the Federal Law No 2 of 2015 on commercial companies law , articles from 306 to 326
First: Notice of Company’s Dissolution & Appointment of a Liquidator:
- Submission of Registration & Licensing Application Form
- Duplicate of official document showing dissolution of the company, appointment of a legal liquidator and mentioning his name and determining the method of liquidation. This may either be by a resolution of the company’s partners or general assembly duly notarized, or by court order.
- Certified copy of the signature of company’s director(s), and the company’s legal liquidator, as the case may be, authenticated by the Notary Public.
- Original Certificate of Registration in the Commercial Register + the original trade license.
- Copy of the license of the liquidator + Certificate of condition auditor + Letter from the liquidator approving the liquidation of the company.
Second: Cancellation of license(s) & cancellation from the Commercial Registration:
- Certificates issued in the other Emirates indicating cancellation of license(s) (if any).
- Original copy of the final account of liquidation approved by the partners or general assembly and stamped by the legal liquidator.
- No-objection letter concerning cancellation issued by the Ministry Of Human Resources & Emiratisation.
- Visa Cancellation of the partner(s) in case they are sponsored by their license .
- Copy of the notice of the company’s dissolution & appointment of a liquidator to be published in the official newspapers.
- Letter from the partner for the agreement of the liquidation of the company.
- Ministry of Economy resolution (concerning private shareholding).
- UAE Securities and Commodities Authority resolution (concerning public shareholding